On 06.04.2021 01:14, Celejar wrote:
On Mon, 5 Apr 2021 15:51:28 -0400
Dan Ritter <d...@randomstring.org> wrote:
Because it doesn't work. If it worked as well as, say, moving your SSH port*, I would encourage it. It does not.
Source? Is this your personal experience, or do you have some other
basis for this? Cloudflare, for example, asserts that:

"Cloudflare Email Address Obfuscation helps in spam prevention by
hiding email addresses appearing in your pages from email harvesters
and other bots, while remaining visible to your site visitors."

I think you see spam problem from the wrong perspective.
You might think "spammer" is a person with some home brewed script that pray upon unsuspecting web-sites. Spam is a whole industry and there are large spam groups who make profit from spam alone. They are capable to create private and commercial applications for data-mining and constantly update them with new tricks to fight new obfuscation methods for an example. They use collected data to create databases of emails (categorize them, add country\area information, etc) which later could be traded among spam community members and\or sold to companies who want to implement aggressive advertisements. So once your email, even if it was obfuscated, gets into said databases there is no escape from spam.
This is the reason why obfuscation doesn't work.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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