On Sun, 28 Mar 2021 at 03:24, Susmita/Rajib <bkpsusmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Link: > http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?[...] > Not posting the code here, as it would be a case of repitition. Hi, as a user of this mailing list for many years, I want to say ... Please stop doing this. Or (devils advocate), consider doing it the other way around. Provide all information here, and then post on the forum asking people to join the mailing list. And if that feels inappropriate, please consider how what you are doing is any different. There are 100's of people on this mailing list. I really cannot understand why you think it is a good idea to expect 100's of people to go to the forum to read some information that you do not bother to show here. People here have made a decision that they prefer to be on the mailing list, and perhaps not on the forum. I wish you would be aware and respect that decision. Many of us made that decision because we consider mailing lists to be vastly preferable to web forums. If you want help from people here, then it is polite to provide the information here. And you will get far more people reading your questions, and increase the chances of getting useful answers.