On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 11:29:55AM +0530, Susmita/Rajib wrote: > I created a folder and in it the ssvr script and another, activate.sh. > Within the latter, the line: ./ssvr.sh ssvr.sh > > Program running, but screensaving not initiated after inactivity. > Codeline: > [code] xautolock -time 1 -locker ./activate.sh [/code]
Did you cd into that directory before running xautolock? Do you do so every time? It would be a lot better to put the full path to activate rather than relying on being in the correct directory. Likewise, inside activate, put the full path to ssvr. Or, if you don't like that, put both of them in a directory that's in your PATH, such as $HOME/bin, assuming you've gone through the necessary steps to put $HOME/bin in your PATH. Also, make sure your scripts are actually proper scripts. They must begin with a valid shebang, and they must have +x permissions.