I continue to feel sorry for Dr. Cmdte Alpha Tigre Z and Dr. Andrew M.A. Cater and their so much efforts. I would take full responsibility for not being able to explain myself better, despite having the seed within me for so many years. May be, in distant future, this impediment will be gotten over with by a Neural Implant.
To try and bring them to see what i meant, i shall begin with a self-critique. I am sorry to have used the word Wiki. It gave a different idea than what was intended. Wiki is not only about wikipedia, I should've explained. I used wiki to signify a collaborative approach in stockpiling code lines (wait, elaboration follows in Section 2). With minimal explanation. Only lines of codes (more in Section 2). The best possible method of learning appears to be minimal explanation, but exhaustive implementation of code lines in a console/terminal. Let (!@#$%) represent the phrase without [quote] and [/quote]. [quote] with a list of all possible permutations combinations (henceforth, abbreviated as PC) [of options, switches, RegEx, et al,] of basic, single code lines. List. Only. Minimal explanation. The console shall self-explain through output.[/quote] Section 2 ------------ So here our wiki would be one page for one Man Command (internal/external). But radically different from Man Page. Minimal(or zero) text (!@#$%) Then a Upper Tier of wiki page having unique combination of two commands (internal/external) with (!@#$%) Then a still Upper Tier of wiki page having unique combination of three commands (internal/external) with (!@#$%) But we could stop at some Tier until further need for complexity arises. Our books (or online bash scripting pages) i consider horrible in the matter of wastage of time. For coding a different set of NeuNet are developed for abstract multi-dimensional memory space, while our intellect tries all sorts of possible PC of each sector of this memory space(MS) and could redefine/reorganise/compress this MS. Books address filling up this MS inefficiently. It also causes so much wastage of paper for very little purpose. IN order for Debian books to explain things to us, our wiki should have specific line, section, page reference for any unique single line of code. Then books could be compressed to a minimal size. Wiki could be expanded, if required. I should have gone to abstractions and pictures in the first place, with pics uploaded to a folder of my Drive for the purpose. Hope I have been clearer this time. Apologise, Dr. Cmdte Alpha Tigre Z and Dr. Andrew M.A. Cater, for compelling you to write so much, as I couldn't explain myself better when I could, upon hindsight. Best Rajib