
El sáb, 27 mar 2021 a las 23:18, Cmdte Alpha Tigre Z
(<santiagopi...@gmail.com>) escribió:
> [many things]

Sorry, I forgot to finish writing my titles on my past post,
so if you need them, here are the lines where a different section

Line 344: 2.5. To Mr. Greg Wooledge.
Line 367: 2.6. To someone anonymous, forwarded by Susmita/Rajib.
Line 408: 2.7. To dear Susmita/Rajib.
PS to previous post: if you find my second last message as an offense,
I'm sorry, it was not my intention.

Additionally, in section 1.6, where it says [someone else], it is
Mr. David Wright.  I'm sorry, I forgot to replace that phrase.

Also, I noted in Debian's Code of Conduct, section 4, that it would be
good to include a summary for long posts. So here it is:

4. SUMMARY (for the whole thread, why not?)

4.1. Proposition.

Dear Susmita/Rajib is looking for a centralized source of tutorials
(or something alike) on Debian.  It is presented that tutorials are not included
in manual pages nor within some books.

4.1. Objections.

a) The proposed documentation would be very big (Cater, Ritter, Tomás,
Wooledge, me)(please read original message).
b) The requested information is already available on the Web (Cater, Grant,
Ritter, anonymous, me).
c) The manual pages and the source code have all the necessary information
and are definitive (Wright, two anonymous, me).
d) Debian has a lot of history and it is difficult to fix some inconveniences
(Shuklin, Wooledge).
e) FOSS is inherently decentralized and spreaded (Grant, maybe Wooledge).
f) The problem is ignorance (Ritter, Wright, maybe Cater, me).

4.2. Proposed solutions.

a) Some books are good for specific subjects (Cater, Tomás).
b) Modern search engines make the Web as a unified source of information
(Ritter, Cater, Susmita/Rajib, maybe Grant, me).
c) Learn one step at a time, get experience (Cater, Wright).
d) Learn the component parts and generalizations (Cater, Wright, me).
e) Get in contact with others that have the same learning objectives
f) Ask others for help with a subject (Cater, anonymous).
g) Look for a course (Cater, Wright).
h) The websites can be packaged and put into Debian (anonymous).
h) Build a very well organized compilation of common/relevant tutorials
or help build the Debian Wiki (me).

Please, if you want to enrich your knowledge, read the original sources...
They're marvelously good.

Have a good day.

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