On Fri, 26 Feb 2021 at 06:51, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:
> I may have made a mistake, but I bought a dremel digilab 3d45 FDM > printer, aka a 3d printer. > the > dremel apparently considers the right rear of the plate as home, whereas > the ender3 I also have uses the left front corner as home. I would have thought that would be a reconfigurable setting of the machine's G-code interpreter, regardless of whatever software you choose to drive it with. If that interpreter is 'Grbl' for example, the documentation is here: https://github.com/gnea/grbl/wiki/Grbl-v1.1-Configuration#3--direction-port-invert-mask https://github.com/gnea/grbl/wiki/Grbl-v1.1-Configuration#23---homing-dir-invert-mask