> So, what is the best winderz emulator we have, to run this:
> Dremel3DSlicer-1.2.3-win64.exe
> Which file says is a:
> Dremel3DSlicer-1.2.3-win64.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS
> Windows, Nullsoft Installer self-extracting archive

There is a tool named Wine.
It is not an emulator but Win32 API implementation.
Many windows apps work on it.



> PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386,
It seems that you need to pay attention on the first step:

Some apps do not work with Wine because it is impossible to make 100%
compatible implementation of proprietary API.
In this case you may download the evaluation version of Windows 10 from MS
website, and install it as the second OS (see doubleboot)
or try running it inside of the Virtual Machine like VirtualBox. (KVM or
qemu may also work)

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