On Fri, Jan 01, 2021 at 09:50:00AM -0500, Celejar wrote:
On Thu, 31 Dec 2020 11:13:54 -0500
Michael Stone <mst...@debian.org> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 10:59:36AM -0500, Celejar wrote:
>I don't know how to evaluate this. But still, if the camera is
>reporting 720p, shouldn't the applications default to that?
The optical quality on most small web cams is so bad that increasing the
resolution just means significantly more bandwidth is used to produce a
picture that's visually indistinguishable from the lower resolution
version. Most video chat applications will downsample a high res image
anyway, so generating a high res stream is just making more work. There
are cameras and applications where the increased resolution matter, but
they're the exception IME.
Very interesting, thanks. Zoom does offer standard HD and even FHD in
some cases:
"Note: Due to recent events with COVID-19, meetings in 720p-quality
video are only available to Pro account users or higher, and only for
meetings with a maximum of 2 participants; 1080p quality is for
special-use cases currently."