On Wed, 30 Dec 2020 10:53:37 -0800 (PST)
didier gaumet <didier.gau...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Le mercredi 30 décembre 2020 à 16:40:06 UTC+1, Celejar a écrit :
> [...]
> > 1) Why does VLC default to the lower resolution? Incidentally, I see 
> > that Cheese also opens the camera by default at a lower resolution - 
> > but a different one: 960x540. Why? Is this to save space when recording? 
> I don't know: one possibility is that either Linux or VLC/Cheese
> incorrectly detects the webcam resolution? Another possibility could be

The manufacturer claims that it's 720p HD:


> a marketing trick: an higher resolution is claimed through
> interpolation  while actual optical resolution is lower.

I don't know how to evaluate this. But still, if the camera is
reporting 720p, shouldn't the applications default to that? Do they
somehow figure out that the 720p mode is cheating and therefore ignore
it by default?

> > 2) VLC's GUI doesn't seem to offer any way to set the resolution. 
> > I see all kind of references on the internet to knobs to turn to set 
> > resolution, but none of them seem available in my VLC when using a v4l2 
> > camera. Why? 
> I use VLC from Buster. the following is the rough english translation of my 
> VLC that is in french.
> - To set up the resolution of the webcam for a session and begin the session: 
>  Media>Open a capture device, then set up the capture mode to video camera, 
> click on advanced options button and fill the width and height fields.
> - To set up the default resolution of the webcam: Tools>Preferences, then 
> click on display parameters: all, then input/codecs>access modules>v4l, fill 
> the width and height fields

You're right, I was mistaken. The Advanced option do contain height and
width fields (parelleling the height and width CLI parameters I

But I still think it's ridiculous that a) VLC doesn't provide a list of
supported resolutions to choose from, instead making the user figure
these out using other tools, and then enter the values manually and b)
hides these fields under the Advanced options, which, as I noted, the
documentation describes as "useful in some rare cases"


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