What Kent said (quoted below).

I can't emphasize it enough:

    1)  stop X, get gpm working
        1.a)    pick the right device (usually /dev/psaux)
        1.b)    pick the right protocol (usually ps2 or imps2)
        1.c)    repeat_type=raw
        1.d)    start gpm, move mouse
        1.e)    if this doesn't work, go back to 1.a!

    2)  get X working
        2.a)    pick the right device (/dev/gpmdata!!)
        2.b)    pick the right protocol
                                  (the same one gpm is using; duh :-))
        2.c)    start X, move mouse
        2.d)    if this doesn't work, which step did you not follow
                    correctly?  :-)

Note the critical elements -- device and protocol.  If you don't use
the right device and the right protocol, it isn't going to work,
right.  Period.  Get those two right and it will work.


On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 08:09:44AM -0600, Kent West wrote:
| Gruessle wrote:
| >I do have a file called |gpmdata in /dev/ but the size is 0 and
| >it shows up black in mc plus it has this "|" in front
| >And last date changed shows just a few min. ago.
| >Looks like that file got corrupted somehow when I did the change to
| >XFConfig-4.
| >How do I get that file fixed?
| >My X id not working at all anymore until I can fix this.
| >And why did that happen?
| > 
| >
| What you're describing sounds normal, as you can see here:
| >enjae[westk]:/home/westk> ls -l /dev/gpmdata
| >prw-r--r--    1 root     root            0 Dec 18 08:02 /dev/gpmdata
| The "p" means this is a "named pipe", as opposed to a normal file or a 
| directory, etc. mc represents this as the pipe bar "|". It gets changed 
| whenever gpm writes to it. All normal.
| In the console (outside of X; get there via Ctrl-Alt-F1 if you're in X), 
| when you move the mouse, do  you see a white block cursor follow your 
| movements? If so, does it track properly? If so, then gpm is properly 
| reading the mouse. Configure it to "write" properly the raw data, and 
| then you're ready to focus on X. For the moment, forget about X; get gpm 
| working first.

If you want to know what God thinks about money,
just look at the people He gives it to.
    -- Old Irish Saying
www: http://dman13.dyndns.org/~dman/            jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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