On 7/27/20 11:16 AM, Michael Stone wrote:
On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 08:09:36AM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
For a project of this size and scope, a Tcl application with an sqlite3
database in a local file seems well suited.
Only on the internet can someone ask a simple question and get tcl as
the answer. :-/
1. Where else would you ask the question, if not "the internet?"
2. tcl is still pretty cool - some great things are written in it, like
fossil-scm (the DCVS used for sqlite, built on sqlite, in tcl, by the
author of sqlite)
Seems like a great idea.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra
Theory is when you know everything but nothing works.
Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
In our lab, theory and practice are combined:
nothing works and no one knows why. ... unknown