On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 12:38:10PM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
Back in 70's/80's I wrote programs as part of routine job duties.
   {8080/8085 assembler, dBase and Paradox}
Neither I, nor my employers, classed me as a "programmer".
I was "Senior Engineering Tech" or "Junior Engineer".
IOW, I was not in abject *AWE* of computers. *ROFL*

Right now I'm working on a personal project.
INPUT:  How much of what did I eat?
OUTPUT: How much [cal/protein/fiber] did I eat?

SQL {and variants} seen to dominate all else.
IIRC, dBase was simpler.

What current FOSS system might I be comfortable with?

You might try googling "open source alternatives to dbase" - there seems to be quite a list.  Or you could go with a NoSQL database like CouchDB.

But... isn't the tool the least of your problems?  The big one being, where are you going to get your nutritional database. (Seems to me that most of what Weight Watchers and Noom do is collect data on millions of products.)

Good Eating,

Miles Fidelman

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