On Wed 22 Jul 2020 at 22:51:00 (-0400), Stefan Monnier wrote:
> >> Somehow NM is convinced that it should try an Ethernet connection
> >> first.  You need a way to disabuse it of that notion.
> Why doesn't it start with the last active connection?
> I suspect that for 99% of the users this will be the most common case.
> Also, why does it wait 10s before it tries to connect to anything?
> >> What does your /etc/network/interfaces file look like? Is your Ethernet
> >> device present there? If so, try commenting it out and restarting NM.
> Indeed I have a
>     iface eth0 inet dhcp
> in there.  But removing it doesn't seem to make any difference in this
> respect (even after `systemctl restart NetworkManager`).
> > Also check the priorities of your WiFi and Ethernet connections. Mine
> > are: Ethernet, -999; all WiFi, 0.
> I never touched those, but yes I now see that they are exactly like yours.

In view of the fact that I haven't seen an "eth0" string for quite a
while, might it be worth checking your ethernet names? There might be
a pause while something is searching for eth0 rather than, say, enp3s0.


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