On Wed, 22 Jul 2020 15:04:44 -0400
Stefan Monnier <monn...@iro.umontreal.ca> wrote:

> When I wake up from suspend, my Debian machines take a "long" time to
> reconnect to the wifi.  Looking at the `nm-applet` icon in my XFCE4
> panel, I see:
> - for about 10s the icon is "two computers" (which IIUC represents
>   just NetworkManager).

That indicates "no connection".

> - then the icon changes to the one representing a wired ethernet
>   connection and stays that way for about 10s (there's nothing
>   plugged into the ethernet port of this computer).

Which indicates that NM is trying to connect to a wired connection.

> - then the icon changes to the "two dots, with something circling
>   between them" which indicates that the system is in the process of
>   connecting to a wifi network.

NM negotiating to join a WiFi network.

> - after about 5s this changes to the bars representation of the
>   signal quality.

WiFi connection established.

> IOW, while it takes about 5s to connect to the wifi network, it takes
> about 20 additional seconds for NM to decide that it should try to
> connect.

Somehow NM is convinced that it should try an Ethernet connection
first. You need a way to disabuse it of that notion.

What does your /etc/network/interfaces file look like? Is your Ethernet
device present there? If so, try commenting it out and restarting NM.

Otherwise, as Brad Rogers <b...@fineby.me.uk> mentioned,
may have some tips.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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