On 22/6/20 6:53 pm, Lucio wrote:
Il 22/06/20 10:05, elvis ha scritto:
Somewhere on your system maybe /usr/share/vimĀ or in /etc that
default colour scheme is defined or linked to a real colour scheme.
Find it.
I couldn't find the link, but I found /usr/share/vim/vim81/colors
directory, that contains only 19 colorschemes: not that hard to
bruteforce after all. I've tried all of them one after the other and I
finally found "ron" to be the real default one, despite "colorscheme
default" not loading "ron"...
Why "colorscheme default" doesn't load the real default, or why the
real default goes by the name of "ron" and "default" is a non-default
choice, is beyond me: maybe Debian exhausted the symlinks pool, so
renaming the "default" file as "classic" or something and symlinking
"default" to "ron" would have broken the whole system, but it doesn't
really matter anymore... problem solved, thanks for your help.
Maybe they were saving it for later-ron ? :-)
If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100m, that's
the bank's problem.