I posted this question @superuser [1] two days ago, but it seems few know Debian enough there, so here it is for you.

In every Linux system I install or I happen to log into I want to use the same vim colorscheme, e.g. the default one Debian uses, because I usually use Debian and I like the default colorscheme. What's its name? I need the name to specify it in the `$HOME/.vimrc` file of other systems:

    colorscheme whatever

The problem is that even `default` is not the correct name in Debian, in fact if I open a file in one of my Debian systems without a `$HOME/.vimrc` file (so no `colorscheme` command at all), I get this:


then, while I'm inside `vim`, I type the `:colorscheme` command, and it replies `default`. However if I create a `$HOME/.vimrc` file with `colorscheme default` in it, in the same Debian system, and then I open the same file, I get this instead:


I want the first colorscheme in every other `vim` I use, but I have no clue about how to specify it.

  [1]: https://superuser.com/questions/1562159/

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