Just FYI, sorry for replying to this so late, the modules.conf(<6.06.00)
or qla2[2,3]00.conf(6.06.00+) file when used with the SANSurfer software
is where it writes module specific config information. I was just
curious if these options might've impacted you here at all. but it
doesn't sound like you're even using any. I suppose another question is
are you direct connected or swtiched? I had an issue where my LIP logins
were re-curring while up and after having too many hosts in the same
zone, I had to do explicit port zones to prevent IO quashing. After
that, no problems, but odd symptoms because any server could cause it
and any server could be affected. just another aspect if you're using
switches with no, or very broad, zones. 

On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 04:19, Monika Strack wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2003 18:16 schrieb Austin Gonyou:
> > Which FS is it that you're writing to? A NFS, or is it local and
> being
> > shared as NFS? Something seems very odd in that stack trace given
> the
> > oops that you have.
> I write to a local XFS , it is no shared as nfs. I read the data from
> a NFS 
> mounted disk. 
> I don't have anythink in my modules.conf for qla2200. As I understand
> the 
> README I only need it for initrd-kernel. I don't use initrd for this
> machine. 
> I loadet the driver with modprob by hand with no ql2xopts. The Card is
> for 
> connetion to the the external RAID with userdata only. 
> Monika
> -- 
> ________________________________________________________________________________
> Monika Strack
> Institut fuer Tierzucht 
> Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Landwirschaft
> 31535 Neustadt               e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Germany                      Tel: +49 5034 /871 154
>                              Fax: +49 5034 /871 239
> _______________________________________________________________________________
Austin Gonyou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Coremetrics, Inc.

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