
I need some help to make our fileserver working with fibre chanel raid.

The hardware of the machine is:
2 Pentium III (Coppermine)
Ethernet Pro 100 on board
Gigabit Ethernet-Controler Syskonnect AT-2970SX
RAID-Controler GDT 6113RS/6513RS
SCSI-Controler Adaptec AIC-7899P on board
Fibre-Channel Adapter QLogic Corp. QLA2200 (rev 5)

I have run debian woody with xfs for the external RAID. I down't use LVM.

Since 3 years I have run a external RAID with SCSI Adapter to this machine. It 
work ok with xfs. 2 weeks ago I got a new RAID with Fibre Chanel and Qlogig 
2200 HBA.  
I have make a kernel for it, mount the RAID, make xfs-Filesystem and start to 
move the userdata from the old to the new RAID. I use command tar to move the 
data. If a small directory (up to 5 GB) will moved it works ok. If I start 
with a bigger directory it gives kernel panic after more than 7 GB data.  The 
old RAID is connectet to a other machine and nfs mounted. 

 I have try to make a kernel with kernel-version from 2.4.20 to 2.4.22  
(allways from debian-source-package).  For 2.4.20 I use 
xfs-2.4.20-all-i386.gz  from SGI  , for 2.4.21 linux-xfs-1.3.1 from SGI and 
for  2.4.22 the debian-package linux-xfs-1.3.1. I also have tried with 
different driver for the Qlogic HBA, the driver from Qlogic ( ver. 6.04.00 
and 6.06.10), the qlogicfc driver from kernel source and the isp driver from  
feral.com. I have tried it with and with out HighMem IO.  

Always I get "Unable to handle kernel Null pointer dereference" or "unable to 
handle kernel paging request" 

Last night I have run memtest86, memory is ok.

Can someone help me to make a working kernel for this configuration?


Monika Strack
Institut fuer Tierzucht 
Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Landwirschaft

31535 Neustadt               e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Germany                      Tel: +49 5034 /871 154
                             Fax: +49 5034 /871 239

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