On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 1:51 PM Thomas Schmitt <scdbac...@gmx.net> wrote (in part):
> Hi, > <snip> But there is hope: > Linux will soon be replaced. We will be able to control kernel bugs by > some JSON lines in the configuration of systemd-homed. > This issue (systemd-homed) was brought up on a different Linux-based email list. I suggested that, to learn more, I would be happy to "sacrifice" a partition on a USB Memory Stick. But, to my question on links to people, doing this, I got nothing, except for a vague suggestion that some Centos people are "thinking about it". Anybody here know anyone who is, in anything past "thinking about it"? (Not even Debian Sid has mention of it). Thanks! Have a nice day :) > > Thomas > Kenneth Parker