On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 1:00 PM Nate Bargmann <n...@n0nb.us> wrote:
> * On 2020 27 Jan 10:11 -0600, Curt wrote:
> > I missed that point, yet I'm still left to wonder whether the mate
> > settings daemon xrdb plugins referenced above (if it is indeed running

Gang, I've tried various combinations of:

1. removing/installing the /etc/xrdb/*.ad files
2. running with an empty .Xresources file
3. running xrdb /dev/null

It seems like this is the only thing that I can do to get highlighting
reliably so far is:

  when highlighting disappears, run "xrdb /dev/null" and restart emacs

Ugh, suggestions welcome, but I'm about to give up.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

If anyone does have an .Xresources file that seems to give a
satisfactory emacs GTK under Buster I would love to get a copy to try



> > on the OP's machine as part of the Mate kitchen sink) might be
> > responsible for the rather copious Emacs 'xdrb -query' output he offered
> > up for inspection.
> >
> > Looking at this
> >
> > https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-settings-daemon/blob/master/plugins/xrdb/data/Emacs.ad
> >
> > there does appear to be similarities. Maybe I'm not understanding the
> > whole thing correctly.
> Good sleuth work, Curt.  It looks to me like this is part of a theme
> plugin for Mate.  Beyond playing with it for a short time as to satisfy
> a bit of curiosity, I've not used Mate any length of time.  Still, I find
> it interesting that a Gtk based desktop is tweaking Xresources as that
> was one of things that was seemingly declared "obsolete" about 20+ years
> ago as the new "Linux desktops" began to develop.
> Anyway, @ the OP, Tom.  I'd go through the Appearance/theme menus of
> Mate and at least remove or disable this Emacs plugin if it can be found
> through the GUI.
> The other thought I had was to create a new user and see if the problem
> followed along.  In this case it probably would.  Another option would
> be to install Xfce and try it, but these thoughts were before I saw
> Curt's message.
> - Nate
> --
> "The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
> possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
> Web: https://www.n0nb.us
> Projects: https://github.com/N0NB
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