On Mon, Sep 09, 2019 at 01:47:30PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Tell that to pam. Even after editing sudoers, pam won't allow yoou to do 
> squawt as sudo root. BTDT.

If you have a serious complaint or question, you must provide details.

Your continued pattern of just ranting "it didn't work" for EVERY issue
you encounter makes it impossible to help you.

In Debian, universal sudo access is granted to any user in the sudo
group.  If you want to be able to use sudo to run any command as any
user, add your user account to the sudo group.  Either by running
"adduser $LOGNAME sudo", or by editing the file with "vigr".

Then, log out and back in to get your new group memberships.

If that doesn't work in Raspbian, well, too damned bad.  This is a Debian
mailing list.  All we know is Debian.

> > For safety, you should use "vipw", "vipw -s" and "vigr" to perform
> > those edits, but it's not actually required on Debian.
> Screwed up already, I used vipw to put me in front of pi, but now it 
> wants genes passwd, which has not been set. So I'll have to bring that 
> chip to a reader and edit it.
> Is there an order to make all this just work? But I'll have to wait till 
> realtimepi is done. Estimated another couple hours.

If you duplicate the lines in both /etc/passwd AND /etc/shadow, your
password for "gene" will be the same as the password for "pi".  Because
they both use the same salted hash in the shadow file.  You know, the
big-ass $1$abcdefgh$crapola string that you saw when you edited the file?
It's kinda hard to miss.

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