On Monday 09 September 2019 13:10:06 Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 09, 2019 at 12:21:45PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > I'm building a RealtimePi buster-lite on the pi3 right now. Just one
> > $PITA problem, raspian insists the first, usr 1000 is
> > "pi".  Is there a foolproof way to convert that to "gene", or am I
> > stuck logging into it as "pi"?
> You keep asking Raspbian questions on debian-user.  Maybe you should
> be talking to a Raspbian mailing list about your Raspbian questions.

In case you haven't noted, raspian has no mailing lists, only forums, 
with a poorer search engine than google. And no automatic login memory. 
That would be tolerable IF you didn't lose your search results while 
logging in

> From the Debian point of view, you can simply login to the computer as
> root, then edit the /etc/passwd file and the /etc/shadow file (and
> probably the /etc/group file also, because I'm guessing you also want
> to change a group name).  Change "pi" to "gene", save and exit. 
> Voila.

Tell that to pam. Even after editing sudoers, pam won't allow yoou to do 
squawt as sudo root. BTDT.

> For safety, you should use "vipw", "vipw -s" and "vigr" to perform
> those edits, but it's not actually required on Debian.

Screwed up already, I used vipw to put me in front of pi, but now it 
wants genes passwd, which has not been set. So I'll have to bring that 
chip to a reader and edit it.

Is there an order to make all this just work? But I'll have to wait till 
realtimepi is done. Estimated another couple hours.

> If you want to retain the "pi" username, you can copy its lines and
> change "pi" to "gene" only in the copy.  Then you would have two user
> account names (pi and gene) which both map to UID 1000. 

I hadn't considered that, will that get me past pam? It would be nice if 
it had a man page but I've yet to find one. Security by paranoid 
obscurity I guess.

> Files/processes owned by UID 1000 will display with whichever name
> appears first in the passwd file.  This may be a useful alternative if
> Raspbian has some scripts or programs which hard-code the "pi" user
> name.

I'll give it a shot, thanks.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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