On 08/23/2019 08:30 AM, Peter Ehlert wrote:
right click on the icon/button ... hold and drag to the location you
OR right right click on the icon/button ... select the Move opti0n from
the menu and again drag it to where you want, even move it to another
On my machine it is "left click"
I had to use the "Menu" option to force it all the way left.
I have another machine I can experiment with later to tabulate what does
what and if I was doing something else.
Thanks all.
To prevent moving you can then right click and select the Lock To Panel
On 8/23/19 5:23 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
The MATE desktop has a default panel at the bottom of the screen with
three functions
Hide windows
Open applications
Switch work spaces
I deleted it -- YES there was a warning message ;<
I can create a new panel with those functions.
BUT cannot force the "Hide windows" button all the way to the left as
it is in the default.
How can I recreate the default panel's geometry?