On 8/18/2019 4:59 PM, Reco wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 04:56:34PM +0200, john doe wrote:
>> On 8/18/2019 3:19 PM, Brian wrote:
>>> On Sun 18 Aug 2019 at 12:17:59 +0200, john doe wrote:
>>>> On 8/17/2019 8:15 PM, Brian wrote:
>>>>> On Tue 13 Aug 2019 at 20:07:49 +0200, john doe wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> While upgrading the dbus deamon, I get the following:
>>>>>> "A reboot is required to replace the running dbus-daemon.
>>>>>> Please reboot the system when convenient."
>>>>>> I have no plan to reboot that server, what are the pros and cons of not
>>>>>> doing that or how can I avoid rebooting altogether?
>>>>> In the light of Curt's reference to #805449 and your reluctance to
>>>>> provide any extra information on the server setup you have in mind,
>>>>> your plan will have to accomodate reality. Reboot and be done with
>>>>> it.
>>>> From reading this thread, here's what I understand:
>>>> Despide the word desktop being thrown everyware (URL of the page given
>>>> in this thread, ...) it has now moved to be use or at the very least
>>>> installed, on non-desktop host.
>>>> If the above is correct, is there a rule to determine if dbus is required?
>>>> Relying on apt/apt-get is something that I'm not comfortable with! :)
>>> The -s option to apt could make you feel more comfortable if you are
>>> concerned about damaging the system. Otherwise, 'aptitude why dbus'.
>> Thank you, Apt/apt-get will do what I tell it to do but what I don't
>> understand is on what bases should I remove dbus.
>> In other words, in what cases is dbus not redondent/when do I need dbus
>> on a non-desktop environment.
> Show us 'apt purge dbus -s' output please.

If things goes well on this server, which is a test server, I'll
consider purging dbus from my production server(s) on which a reboot is
to be avoided.

Here is the requested output from a test server:

$ apt purge dbus -s
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  dbus* libpam-systemd*
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Purg libpam-systemd [241-5]
Purg dbus [1.12.16-1]

Is apt the only way to know if dbus is redundant?


Sorry for not providing the output earlier, but I was hoping for a more
general way to determine on which server dbus can be safely removed.

John Doe

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