Quoting Gene Heskett (2019-07-05 17:45:54)
> On Friday 05 July 2019 07:34:42 Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > Quoting Gene Heskett (2019-07-05 12:54:05)
> >
> > > Its not quite that simple on the arm's. You do the install there 
> > > by dd'ing the complete filesystem image to the boot media, usually 
> > > a u-sd, so you get that crap regardless and must physically remove 
> > > it before a staticly defined, hosts file based network that has 
> > > not had a functioning dhcpd server even in my original 1998 
> > > install of red hat 5.0 will work.
> >
> > Please stop speading misinformation about how Debian is installed.
> >
> > Official way to install Debian is using debian-installer, also for 
> > boards using U-boot.
Official way to install Debian is using debian-installer.

> >  See e.g. the user notes for Allwinner-based boards at 
> > https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/Allwinner#Install_Using_Debian-Installer
> I have looked at that page, hoping to see some mention of the pi's 
> since the allwinner doesn't appear in their advertising as a hugely 
> important detail,

Official way to install Debian is using debian-installer, regardless of 
the fact that Raspberry Pi does not use a System-on-Chip from Allwinner.

> and I've had rather a zoo full of arm based boards here. But the pi 
> wasn't mentioned so I went on my way. I'm not even sure all the pi's 
> are allwinner based.

Official way to install Debian is using debian-installer, regardless of 
the amount of boards you have piled up at home.

> > It is true that you can leave it to others to prepare an installation
> > for you, so that you only need to dump their pre-installed image onto
> > your boot disk device - e.g. as done with the preview image for
> > Raspberry Pi offered at https://wiki.debian.org/RaspberryPi3.
> Does it actually work?

Official way to install Debian is using debian-installer, regardless of 
how broken or not Raspberry Pi and/or Debian may be.

> > It is also true that you can have others make a derivative of Debian 
> > and offer you that as a pre-installed image - e.g. as done by 
> > Raspbian and Armbian projects.
> >
> > The "crap" you get using unofficial pre-installed images is not on 
> > Debian but on those pre-installing and on you using those instead of 
> > Debian.
> This may be true, but how long will it take to get the new, faster 
> video drivers into your official version? Or will they ever get in?

Official way to install Debian is using debian-installer, regardless of 
how frustratingly long time it takes reverse-engineer the closed-source 
parts of Raspberry Pi making it frustratingly difficult to use with Free 
software operating systems like Debian.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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