On Tuesday, June 18, 2019 11:21:51 AM Erik Josefsson wrote:
> Hi Andy, thanks for taking time!
> On 6/18/19 3:14 PM, Andy Smith wrote:
> >> There is a very expensive 64GB SD card from SanDisk that is called
> >> Extreme Pro that costs twice as much as same size Extreme Plus. Specs
> >> say it is "super duper blazing fast" for video in "Ultra HD 4K", but
> >> would Pro also be faster than Plus for the task of running Thunderbird
> >> and Firefox at the same time?
> > 
> > Running big apps like that will benefit more from having enough
> > memory. After that is satisfied, fast storage will certainly help.
> > You'll have to look at the exact specifications of Plus vs Pro.
> Here's probably one of my large white spots, but what do you mean with
> "enough memory"?
> If the computer runs from the SD card, the memory you are talking about
> is also on that same SD card, no?

I should let Andy speak for himself, but, I believe the answer is no -- 
earlier in the thread something made me think you were confusing RAM with 
memory on the SD card -- RAM is not on the SD card, it is "closer" to the CPU, 
on or near the motherboard.  (I don't know whether an SOC (System on a Chip) 
includes the RAM on the chip -- if not, it is much closer, physically and 
electrically to the CPU than the SD card.

> If yes, then optimizing available SD card memory (e.g. 32GB or 64GB)
> would yield different performance results, but that does not seem to be
> the case!
> > What are you trying to achieve?
> I want to make up my mind whether I will have the time to use Teres-I
> with redpill RC3 at work (i.e. in school).
> Thanks again!
> //Erik

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