Hi Andy, thanks for taking time!

On 6/18/19 3:14 PM, Andy Smith wrote:
There is a very expensive 64GB SD card from SanDisk that is called Extreme
Pro that costs twice as much as same size Extreme Plus. Specs say it is
"super duper blazing fast" for video in "Ultra HD 4K", but would Pro also be
faster than Plus for the task of running Thunderbird and Firefox at the same
Running big apps like that will benefit more from having enough
memory. After that is satisfied, fast storage will certainly help.
You'll have to look at the exact specifications of Plus vs Pro.

Here's probably one of my large white spots, but what do you mean with "enough memory"?

If the computer runs from the SD card, the memory you are talking about is also on that same SD card, no?

If yes, then optimizing available SD card memory (e.g. 32GB or 64GB) would yield different performance results, but that does not seem to be the case!

What are you trying to achieve?

I want to make up my mind whether I will have the time to use Teres-I with redpill RC3 at work (i.e. in school).

Thanks again!


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