On Tuesday 28 May 2019 03:37:55 pm Brian wrote:

> On Tue 28 May 2019 at 14:20:22 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > And at that point in composing that reply, the keyboard went dead. I
> > thought that was cron, calling hpfax, and finding it had nothing to
> > do,
> Why do think cron was calling hpfax? Did you set up the job? (Using
> fax isn't exactly common these day).
It was cron itself that mentioned it in the syslog.

> > so it locks up hid-common, so I renamed hpfax to hpfox last week,
> > figuring that would disable that scared bull in a china shop. But in
> > looking over the boot log just now, I find hpfox running! Pardon my
> > language but if I've renamed it, how the hell is the system finding
> > it to run it?
> Very interesting. This needs a bit of thought. Does the same thing
> happen if the renaming is to begonia?
Interesting thought, lemme test it if I can find it again. Its not 
actually running now, and its now renamed 
to /usr/lib/cups/backend/begonia just for my eventual eddification.

> > from the syslog: in time order but much elided
> > May 28 13:47:40 coyote systemd[949]: Starting D-Bus User Message Bus
> > Socket.
> > [...]
> > May 28 13:47:41 coyote rc.local[842]: HEYU: The
> > file /usr/local/var/tmp/heyu/heyu.out.ttyUSB0 does not exist or is
> > not writable.
> > [...]
> > May 28 13:47:42 coyote hp[994]: io/hpmud/pp.c 627: unable to read
> > device-id ret=-1
> hpmud is part of HPLIP.
> > [...]
> > May 28 13:47:43 coyote rc.local[842]: read: Connection reset by peer
> > May 28 13:47:43 coyote /hpfox: [999]: error: Failed to
> > create /var/spool/cups/tmp/.hplip
> An unhappy hpfox.
> > [...]
> > May 28 13:47:46 coyote systemd[1]: Started Perl-based spam filter
> > using text analysis.
> > Since systemd started spamassassin, I can take that back out of
> > rc.local.
> >
> > I'll do that and reboot again, about 5 times since my last reply in
> > this thread. Since I don't use hplip,
> syslog contradicts you.
> >                          no hp printers about,
> We thought you purchased one a few days ago.
I did, but its attached to a win10 home edition machine in the garage, 
geting an application setup to help tune the antenna matching stuff at 
an AM broadcast facility.  And the win10 machine isn't sharing it.

> >                                                how do I use
> > systemctl to disable its even starting?
> Starting what?


> > Thanks, but comment on the log snippets if you can.
> I tried to.

And I appreciate it. Even if it shows I need a linux for dummies book.  
In fact I have one, but its 20 years out of date.  Collectors item 
maybe?  :)

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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