On 5/14/19, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> Assuming you're not browsing as root ...

 Again, anything that is syntactically expressed can be, -is- hacked,
even the idea of a "root" account is a silly Illusion in my kind of
reallity which is not that different from yours ;-).

 Sorry, but not stating that would have made me feel cynical. It is
enough being

 I think your suggestions will do. So far I have been going:

 # history  | grep apt-get install ...

 but I thought there should be a way to do such things in a more
streamlined way.

 I have been accessing the Internet using only ram with a knoppix disk
after removing the hard drive but Debian apt assumes you are connected
to the Internet, which is already a very compromising assumption.


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