My question may not have been clear enough on my previous post about reinstalling debian, but I think I have a better idea about how to solve many of my problems.
I have an installation based on: $ uname -a Linux niggahme 4.9.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.88-1+deb9u1 (2018-05-07) x86_64 GNU/Linux which I have customized and I am quite happy about. So, I would like to replicate onto another disk just the baseline without browser "history", altered configuration files or any such things. As if I had installed Debian afresh. As you code and access the Internet, you install and remove packages and all sorts of "cookies" ... are being use to monitor, as well as JavaScript and all kinds of nonsense to hack into your computer. After doing whatever I needed to do, I would like -to replicate just the baseline- of my exposed computer, as if I had never accessed the Internet with it. Of course, you can't simply copy the files. How could you do that? I have reasons to be "paranoid" if you want to call me that and I don't think you can solve these kinds of problems by visiting a doctor ;-) I remember Torvalds himself publicly saying he doesn't effing ever connects his work Computer to the Internet and making all kinds of faces as he said that. lbrtchx