On Sat, 6 Apr 2019 at 19:08, Curt <cu...@free.fr> wrote:
> My impression from my general reading here is quite a few people rely on
> the synaptic package manager. I use apt-get; it's pie-like simplicity
> comforts me.

Speaking in very broad terms to make a general and somewhat
obvious point, we could say that Gnome and synaptic are examples of
tools written by experts to assist lower-expertise users.

It follows that most more-expert users (apart from the developers) tend
not to use these kind of tools themselves. So support channels like this one
and IRC tend to lack people who are able to answer questions based
on their own use of these tools, because they don't use, or even care
about, these kind of tools.

I have seen this in IRC. People join there to ask questions
about Gnome for example, but no-one providing support in the
channel is actually using Gnome themselves, because they prefer more
sophisticatedenvironments, even though it's the default GUI for Debian
that all the newbie questioners are using.

Newbie asks "how do I do X in Gnome" ... and no-one there knows the answer :)
This might be less of an issue in other distros than it is in Debian.

> Thing is, beyond its innate and fundamental heresy (a gui app running as
> root!), synaptic is the only GUI package manager available in Debian
> AFAIK (I'm uncertain whether kpackage is defunct or not).

If I understand correctly, Reco mentioned another one earlier in the thread ...

On Fri, 5 Apr 2019 at 00:02, Reco <recovery...@enotuniq.net> wrote:
> The *unofficial* one is the existence of "gnome-packagekit". The thing
> needs users, and this is one of the ways of getting them.


I know nothing about it, I never tried it :)
I prefer using shell tools for package management.

I certainly do use some GUI tools. 'meld' for example, for side-by-side
diffs. If that was dropped from buster then I would notice :)

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