On 3/22/19 4:25 PM, David Wright wrote:
On Fri 22 Mar 2019 at 16:07:24 (-0400), Michael Stone wrote:
On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 03:00:23PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
If you're really worried, first remount the partitions readonly, which
will fail if they're in use. Then unmount them and disconnect.
Just unmount--that will fail if the partition is in use unless extra
options are added.
Sorry, it hadn't occurred to me that the OP wasn't just doing that
(because they had said they used "Safely Remove" in Windows).
Nor had it occurred to me that one might need a bettery of tools
like iotop, hdparm, iostat, pidstat, perf top, and the rest,
rather than just unmounting. I thought they wanted a belt and braces
method, a bit of redundancy.
So it's just the usual Pose Problem A, Solve Problem B.
To summarize, I had been unmounting (multiple times, NO errors)
as well as eject -ing.
Drives still have hard light on.
This is different behavior than on Windows, where the light goes off
signaling it's ready to to be removed.
Same drives in both cases.
I am quite happy to have the battery of recommended tools to see what is
accessing the drives BEFORE ever unmounting at all.
At least Linux has these tools.
It is often a sysinternals-level jaunt on Windows to figure out what's
tying up a drive. Their default error messages are a joke.