On 3/22/19 4:21 PM, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:
On 3/22/19, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
On Fri 22 Mar 2019 at 14:00:24 (-0400), deb wrote:
Just a reminder -- the bulk of mine are Seagate Backup Plus (1-5TB.
USB 3.0).
On Windows, when you dismount (Safely Remove) these
the light goes off.
I've never seen the light go off until it spins down (those that do).
You're reminding me of something I read and have now mostly forgotten.
It was something about today's hard drives being *maybe*
On some (presumably newer) hardware, there are one or more BIOS
settings that affect how hard drives function. A quickly attempted
search landed the potentially useful phrases of "sleep mode" and "HDD
Cindy :)
Yes Cindy.
In fact, I fought against uying Western Digital drives once they stuck a
password protected section on their drives; and refused to give the
credentials to customers.
That was too Intel Management Engine-y for me.
I don't think this is it, or the sleep mode on the Seagates.
At least, that is not an issue when running on Windows.