On 3/22/19 4:22 PM, Nicholas Geovanis wrote:
On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 2:52 PM deb <d...@rangingthoughts.org <mailto:d...@rangingthoughts.org>> wrote:

    They won't all be admins, but the top tech folks will be.
    (But, those are likely the ones who will cause the most trouble).

Do you know how to "disable" select administrative commands using /etc/sudoers?
It can be useful in these situations. Your top tech folks can defeat it.

Yes, but I am A admin, these other folks will demand sudo privileges to even think about Linux.

Not optimal, I know.

Thanks Nicholas!

    One thing they do do is backup.

    Lots and lots of backups.

    I will add the bug list check to my list (good idea).

    > Some suggested reading here to get started.
    > https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian
    > I think this forum is a good place to read first, post later.  The
    > archives have a ton of info. Many issues have already been done
    to death.
    > https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/
    > https://wiki.debian.org/FAQsFromDebianUser
    Thank you bw!

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