Hello folks:
Again, for someone trying to pull Windows (and Mac) users into Linux ...
Are there list-suggested ways to help verify non-free /
out-of-stable-distro or even seldomly updated in-distro tools, PRE-INSTALL?
A portion of the users are going to have the ability to sudo apt-get
install ....
No way around that.
I have them (at least) do this first:
* $ apt-cache search the-thing # shows variants
* $ apt-cache show the-thing # Let's them see more, pre-install
* https://startpage.com the-thing
* talk to me. # gives me a chance to
brace myself.
Are there suggested sites to look up Linux tools to verify them a bit;
rather than just one-off searches?
Are there suggested sites where KNOWN BAD tools are listed?
Thanks again