Hello Jerry!

On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 01:30:29AM +0100, jerry garcia wrote:
On Tuesday 02 December 2003 06:32 am, Florian Ernst wrote:
Please also don't simply reply to an old thread when starting a new
topic, for now your mail has been added to a thread which some
people might have chosen to ignore. Always start a new thread by
starting a new mail, not by replying.

Is this your default sig? I did start a new thread, I thought, hence the

No, I wrote it specifically responding to your mail ;)

thread name kaudiocreator problems, or since I first hit reply to get a
window up, even though I changed both the To and Subject, did it still link
to whatever thread I replied to originally?

Yes, it was still linked, at least here.

You are using kmail, try to go to your original mail and select menu
"View" -> Header -> All Headers and look out for those two headers:
|In-reply-to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> \

Many programs rely on these headers to build the threading, so when
starting a new topic always better start off with a new mail and no
The Debian mail archive was able to get it right, though:
but I still think it's better to get it right on the sender's side
than to let the ~1900 recievers handle it...


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