On Tuesday 02 December 2003 06:32 am, Florian Ernst wrote:
> Hello Jerry!
> On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 01:43:35PM +0100, jerry garcia wrote:
> >I've just migrated from red hat 9 to debian sarge/sid, and am unable to
> > get kaudiocreator to function.  the error messeges are;
> >
> ><<<<<<<<<
> >Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:
> >klauncher said: Unknown protocol 'audiocd'.
> >
> >
> >
> >I get this for each track I've selected to rip.
> >
> >any suggestions on where to start troubleshooting?
> Please read
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-kde/2003/debian-kde-200303/msg00660.html
> and following and see if it helps.

Thank you very much!  I have been all through debian's documentiation, and 
missed this.  Now Kaudiocreator works.  Next for me is to get Lame back and 
installed.  Man!  this is the single most important thing for my music 
server, and now I'm just about there! 

> Please also don't simply reply to an old thread when starting a new
> topic, for now your mail has been added to a thread which some
> people might have chosen to ignore. Always start a new thread by
> starting a new mail, not by replying.

Is this your default sig?  I did start a new thread, I thought,  hence the 
thread name kaudiocreator problems, or since I first hit reply to get a 
window up, even though I changed both the To and Subject, did it still link 
to whatever thread I replied to originally?  

> Cheers,
> Flo


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