So I uninstalled the java I had installed from sun's website, added the following to my sources.list
deb ./
Then apt-got j2re1.4; j2se as well as java-common got installed as well.
Then, I went to FB's plugin-folder, /usr/lib/mozilla-firebird/plugin/, and did `ln -s usr/lib/j2se/1.4/jre/plugin/i386/mozilla/', restarted FB, and lo and behold --- it worked like a charm.
h: Krisse
tripolar wrote:
having problems installing java first using apt-get or aptitude what should I install? 2) any tricks to have konqueror, mozilla,& netscape find java? 3. Any links I should set up and how? I have main non-free & contrib in my sources.list unstable thanks
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