Thanks for the tip, but unfortunately that didn't help.
Firebird still crashed. I hope that it was just me being stupid, after I read your mail, but it still seems to be the case that it's a bug at work. They *have* identified some kind of bug that could have something to do with this, and fixed it, as far as I understood. But I don't know if the fix has been in a build already --- at least it's certain that Debian, in its present condition, doesn't have it.

Still, if you have got any more ideas -- bring 'em on! ;)

h: Krisse

Patrick Beard wrote:

Firebird needs jre1.4.2 or later.

Create a folder in /usr/local then download into it the latest self
extracting jre form Sun.

Run the self extracting archive you just downloaded. (root required)

Create a sym link for the plugin;
ln -s
.so /path to firebird plugin folder/
(Note: Its the ns610-gcc32 plugin)

If you leave it like this firebird will crash. You need to run the

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java Java
/usr/local/yourfolder/jdk1.X/bin/java 120

Firebird should now play ball with Java


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