W dniu 10.12.2018, pon o godzinie 19∶47 -0200, użytkownik Francisco M
Neto napisał:
> Porting is not the same as installing on the same filesystem. Each
> version of Debian you mentioned needs its own filesystem to work
> with.
> Again, this is NOT a simple matter of just using the same files with
> a
> different kernel! The infrastructure of each OS is fundamentally
> different. You NEED to use a different partition for each of them.
|Just asked if it is technically possible. Application do not call
kernel directly and they are using glibc library for example. I'm just
curios how many libraries are there for abstracting kernel and if it is
possible in future release to have common libraries which base on this
abstraction. I'm just curios so I ask.
> Good luck.
> On Mon, 2018-12-10 at 22:12 +0100, Marek Mosiewicz wrote:
> > W dniu 10.12.2018, pon o godzinie 13∶49 -0600, użytkownik John
> > Hasler
> > napisał:
> > > Hurd differs from Linux as much as Linux differs from Windows
> > > (maybe
> > > more). Put it on a seperate partition.
> >
> > That is probably best to do but I do not agree that difference is
> > so
> > big. There is Debian BSD, Debian Linux and Debian HURD and they all
> > base on same user space applications.
> >
> >
> > > From Debian Hurd page
> > > https://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/index.en.html :
> >
> > " Porting
> >
> > Porting packages is quite trivial most of the time, there are just
> > a
> > couple of traps that they can fall into, a list of common issues is
> > available."
> >