Hurd differs from Linux as much as Linux differs from Windows (maybe more). Put it on a seperate partition. -- John Hasler Elmwood, WI USA
- HURD and Linux on same partition Marek Mosiewicz
- Re: HURD and Linux on same partition Francisco M Neto
- Re: HURD and Linux on same partition Marek Mosiewicz
- Re: HURD and Linux on same partition Francisco M Neto
- Re: HURD and Linux on same partition John Hasler
- Re: HURD and Linux on same partition Marek Mosiewicz
- Re: HURD and Linux on same partitio... Francisco M Neto
- Re: HURD and Linux on same part... Marek Mosiewicz
- Re: HURD and Linux on same ... deloptes
- Re: HURD and Linux on same partition rhkramer
- Re: HURD and Linux on same partition John Hasler
- Re: HURD and Linux on same partition Steve McIntyre