On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 5:59 AM Jonathan Dowland <j...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 09, 2018 at 05:39:36PM +0000, tech wrote:
> >Should'nt be time to move away from an old mail-listing to something
> >more modern like a bugzilla or else ???
> Assuming you are talking about systems for discussion, rather than
> filing bugs: Debian has <http://forums.debian.net/> and has had for a
> long time, but it gets relatively little use.
> Personally I'd love to see the list archive software get an overhaul,
> and mailman3's "HyperKitty" archiver looks very promising to me, but I'm
> not sure whether it has delivered on the promise, which was to offer a
> very forum-like interface to mailing lists, permitting people to reply
> via web, or click "+1" buttons (thus freeing the mail interface of lots
> of "+1" mails, a blight that debian-user fortunately doesn't suffer)
> I've set up mailman3 servers and messed with the code quite a bit. It's a
huge step up from mailman v2, and not just cause the web interface is a
whole lot slicker.

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