On Fri, 25 May 2018 15:48:07 -0500 David Wright said:
> On Fri 25 May 2018 at 11:19:58 (+0200), Miroslav Skoric wrote:
>> On 05/21/2018 03:55 PM, David Wright wrote:
>>> As for appendix C in the Installation Manual, well that looks like
>>> a bit of a joke: who's running linux in 256MB memory, let alone 16MB?
>> One of my older machines still runs Wheezy LTS in 224 MB RAM. And
>> soon I am going to try an upgrade to Jessie.  
> Another data point to support my thesis on sampling bias, but you've
> given no indication of what you're able to run in that amount of
> memory, what swap space you have, etc.

Once I was using a roughly similar (may be less RAM) 486 machine with 10G or so
hard disk, put together from the waste bin of the company, to run a hylafax fax
server on bare Debian installation. There was enough CPU/RAM/disk room left,
that I could have also burdened it as well with print services or something.

Abdullah Ramazanoğlu

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