Le 21/05/2018 à 10:26, Curt a écrit :

Verily in the installer I chose automatic partitioning because of my
partitioning phobia many moons ago and was allotted a 9G '/' and a 1.4T
'home' (as well as swap the size of my ego)
(A recent thread seemed to imply that the installer's automagical
partitioner for LVM leaves little or no empty room for growth, thus
vitiating somewhat the very raison d'être of LVM at its root.)

Bottom line : do not use guided partitioning.

If you do not know what partition sizes you need, use LVM. Create volumes with minimal suitable sizes (you are not going to fill /home with 90% of the disk capacity at once, are you ?). This will leave plenty of free space. When you see that one volume begins to be filled, extend it. Simple and easy.

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