Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 02, 2018 at 04:03:46PM -0000, Dan Purgert wrote:
>> Max Power wrote:
>> > My problem is to know the ISP [e.g. GATEWAY = Vodafone, Telecom or AT&T]
>> > before starting browsing or any remote connection...
>> Checking the hostname of an RFC1918 address will nearly never provide
>> you with an ISP's name, even if you do it on a residential-gateway
>> device provided by them.
> I think the issue here is that he has some sort of unique setup in
> which this name resolution actually DOES provide meaningful information,
> much to the surprise of everyone else on the mailing list.

That's kind of why I was spelling it out in simple terms -- hadn't seen
anyone do that yet (or I missed it).  Sometimes ends up being the kick
people need for their ah-hah moment.

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