On 11/24/2017 09:23 AM, Weaver wrote:
On 2017-11-25 02:51, Cousin Stanley wrote:
Emanuel Berg wrote:

Is there a piece of software that works
like gnuplot or pic/troff were you feed
the program a script with instructions and data
and then the program generates the drawing?

    You might look at the Graphics Layout Engine
    available under debian stretch ....

      $ aot show gle-graphics

    GLE is a graphics scripting language designed
    for creating publication quality figures
    such as charts, plots, graphs, and diagrams.

    It supports various chart types (including function plot,
    histogram, bar chart, scatter plot, contour plot, color map,
    and surface plot) through a simple but flexible set
    of graphing commands ;

    more complex output can be created by relying on i
    ts scripting language, which is full featured
    with subroutines, variables, and logic control.
    Graphics Layout Engine - Home

    Graphics Layout Engine - Examples

And then there's Tikz, depending on what level of commitment you wish to
put into it.


I'm surprised that no one has mentioned FreeCAD in this whole discussion. It is my goto for any cad work. It has an architecture workbench, is under heavy development and is reasonably intuitive. It will be in your distro. just apt-get install freecad. It also handles AutoCAD files among quite a few others.

Gary R

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