Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

>> TikZ and PGF are absolutely awesome (package
>> is texlive-pictures, BTW.). But quite
>> a different kettle of fish: not a CAD
>> program by a long shot.
> Definitely, but they do fit his new request:
>   Is there a piece of software that works
>   like gnuplot or pic/troff were you feed the
>   program a script with instructions and data
>   and then the program generates the drawing?
> There might be even be Tikz libraries for the
> kind of drawing he is looking for.

If we are talking LaTeX now, does anyone have
a "MWE" as they like to say?

It absolutely doesn't have to be CAD by any
standard other than the ability to draw simple
geometrical objects and have them denoted
with labels.

underground experts united

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