Le 18/10/2017 à 17:32, Alexander V. Makartsev a écrit : > I have PC with Debian 9 "stretch" x86_64 + Xfce and I never needed to > have pm-utils installed, but hibernation\suspend feature works normally > through xfce4 GUI once I set up all prerequisites for hibernation to > work (such as at least working swap and initramfs resume variable). I > also removed packages such as "uswsusp", "hibernate". I have used them > previously, but now they are unnecessary for hibernation to work on my > computer.
It is the nvidia proprietary driver which causes the issue. I have no problem to suspend and hibernate with the free driver "nouveau" but the free driver is buggy (see my other question on this list) so I cannot use it. After installing the proprietary (340) one, I have no graphical bug but suspend or hibernate don't work all the time (they fails sometimes). Suspend or hibernate seems to work all the times when I triggers them with pm-utils tools. So I would like to make it the default ones. > How you start Xfce DE and did you installed "xfce4-power-manager" package? > You've said hibernation works when you trigger it manually, so check if > hibernation works via systemd: > $ systemctl hibernate I start xfce with lightdm and I have xfce4-power-manager installed. systemctl hibernate and systemctl suspend seems to work. Pétùr