I have PC with Debian 9 "stretch" x86_64 + Xfce and I never needed to
have pm-utils installed, but hibernation\suspend feature works normally
through xfce4 GUI once I set up all prerequisites for hibernation to
work (such as at least working swap and initramfs resume variable). I
also removed packages such as "uswsusp", "hibernate". I have used them
previously, but now they are unnecessary for hibernation to work on my

How you start Xfce DE and did you installed "xfce4-power-manager" package?
You've said hibernation works when you trigger it manually, so check if
hibernation works via systemd:
    $ systemctl hibernate

On 18.10.2017 18:26, Pétùr wrote:
> On my computer (Debian sid), with a nvidia graphical card and the 340
> proprietary driver, suspend/hibernate does not work with xfce tools.
> I means that xfce4-session-logout --suspend does not work for example.
> But pm-suspend or pm-hibernate works perfectly.
> And I can launch them as user because I edited my /etc/sudoers file with:
> my_user  ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate
> my_user  ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pm-suspend
> So I would like to make pm-utils tools the default ones for
> suspend/hibernate in Xfce. pm-utils commands should be triggered when
> clicking "suspend/hibernate" on the xfce logout window.
> How can I do that?

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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