On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 00:13:46 -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:

> You *can* get by with a smaller cache, most of the time, if you use the
> "--no-download" option after you run out of space in /var, then flush
> cache with "apt-get clean".  You can also use a remote archive mounted
> via NFS, or an apt-proxy cache, in some cases.
> Alternatively, symlink this directory to a larger partition.  If you've
> got relatively little space, I'd allocate 3-4 GiB to /usr and symlink
> /var to /usr/var (which doesn't exist otherwise).
> Or you could just give yourself One Big Partition and deal with the
> attendant problems.
> There's a short FAQ on GNU/Linux system partitioning you may find
> useful, at:
>     http://kmself.home.netcom.com/Linux/FAQs/partition.html
> Peace.

I use LVM myself, as I'm often changing stuff and moving things around. 

I love LVM.  No symlink workarounds, able to keep within the FHS and use
disk space efficiently.


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